The benefits and reasons to practice breathing exercises like 4,7,8 breathing

anxious thoughts burnout depression guided meditations mindfulness meditation Apr 19, 2024

I am a huge fan of breathing exercises and practice them often and encourage clients to do the same, as I was doing in this video. I believe that just a couple of minutes of intentional breathing acts as a mini meditation and instantly creates calm and wellbeing in the body. In the video I introduce the 4,7,8 breathing practice and you can also join in with the first couple of minutes of the meditation. If you would like to practice the full guided meditation, please click here or on the image at the bottom of this page. 

It is also good advice for challenging situations. In those cases sitting on your hands and doing nothing but taking a deep breath is great advice. This gives our rational mind a few seconds to catch up with the emotional mind which is always quick to come online and point us in the direction of a knee jerk emotional reaction. The rational mind is known as the CEO of the brain and while it's a little slower to respond to emergency situations, it's often the font of good advice. 

I have recently uploaded a new breathing meditation to the website and podcast. This 4,7,8 breathing practice was popularised by Andrew Weil to help with stress and anxiety. 

After guiding my membership through the 4,7,8 breathing practice, I was inspired to research the benefits of integrating breathing practices into your daily routine. Here are some of the main benefits I discovered:

Improved Emotional Regulation

Regular practice of breathing techniques promotes better emotional regulation, helping you manage negative emotions like anxiety, stress, and irritability more effectively.

Enhanced Relaxation

Breathing exercises induce a state of relaxation, leading to decreased muscle tension, lowered heart rate, and an overall sense of calmness and tranquility.

Better Sleep Quality

Incorporating breathing practices into your routine can improve sleep quality by alleviating insomnia symptoms, promoting relaxation before bedtime, and facilitating deeper, more restful sleep.

Increased Mental Clarity

Deep breathing techniques enhance focus, concentration, and mental clarity, allowing you to stay present and attentive in your daily activities.

Strengthened Resilience

Breathing practices cultivate emotional resilience, helping you bounce back from challenges and setbacks with greater ease and positivity.

Stress Reduction

Engaging in breathing practices, such as the 4-7-8 technique, Yoga Nidra, and Pranayama, can effectively reduce stress levels by activating the body's relaxation response.

Lowered Blood Pressure

Consistent practice of breathing exercises can lead to lowered blood pressure levels, contributing to improved cardiovascular health and overall well-being.

Enhanced Mood

Breathing practices elevate mood and promote a sense of positivity and well-being, making it easier to navigate through life's ups and downs with a greater sense of optimism.

Reduced Anxiety Levels

Mindful breathing reduces anxiety levels by calming the mind, soothing racing thoughts, and promoting a sense of inner peace and well-being.

If you would like to practice the 4,7,8 guided meditation which also encourages you to let go of physical tension, please click the image below:


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