Balancing Yoga Nidra

Episode #24

Yoga Nidra translates as sleep with awareness and is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating for the body. It also releases dopamine thus leaving you feeling refreshed and motivated. My yoga teacher always told us that 20 minutes of Yoga Nidra is the equivalent of two hours sleep which makes it perfect for days when you feel tired or sleep deprived. Unlike two hours of sleep Yoga Nidra won't leave you feeling groggy. It is the perfect meditation for at night before sleep because it takes your awareness out of your head and slows down thinking. This Yoga Nidra includes a balancing body scan and then encourages you to manifest feelings of opposites in the body - hot and cold, heavy and light. This helps us see that letting go of emotions and feelings returns us to a state of balance and also highlights the physical impact on the body of imagining states of hot/cold, heavy/light. A reminder that our body believes everything we tell it and we have the power to use our mind to create a state of relaxation in the body. In today's stressful world, this is an important tool to have. If you'd like to learn more about mindfulness and meditation, visit and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast to be first to hear of new meditations.

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๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi, I am Diane,

Mindfulness and meditation coach helping you to achieve more, worry less and find more happiness.  

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